#499 - Fantail or Willy Wagtail

Fantail or Willy Wagtail
[{"colour":"","code":"#499","size":"","price":60,"qty":9999,"pid":1309845,"style":"Silver","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/252904/pid729500/499_.jpg","title":"Fantail or Willy Wagtail"},{"colour":"","code":"#499","size":"","price":710,"qty":9999,"pid":1309844,"style":"9ct. Y Gold","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/252904/pid729500/499_.jpg","title":"Fantail or Willy Wagtail"}]
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The Fantail in New Zealand (there are 4 variaties), in Australia they are Willy Wagails and there are a number of versions there. This little lovely bird come in many sizes and colours all around the world with many names.Here in NZ, it is tiny and noisy as it defend it's territory, flitting around eating insects on the wing.

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