#112 - Maori Chiefs Head with Moko

Maori Chiefs Head with Moko
3 D
[{"colour":"","code":"#112","size":"","price":50,"qty":9999,"pid":1312401,"style":"Silver","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/252904/112_.jpg","title":"Maori Chiefs Head with Moko"},{"colour":"","code":"#112","size":"","price":985,"qty":9999,"pid":1312400,"style":"9ct. Y Gold","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/252904/112_.jpg","title":"Maori Chiefs Head with Moko"}]
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A charm to show the fine detail of tattoo on this Moari mans head of the past. Tattoo has become once more popular , even on the face. Once upon a time, it told a story of who you were, what tribe you belonged to and rank. Now, how ever tattoo's have become more a decoration. This is a small charm.

Priced here in silver.  all gold available price on request.

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